People A-Z

Prof Suzanne Scott

Senior Faculty

Suzanne Scott is Professor of Health Psychology & Early Cancer Diagnosis at Queen Mary University of London. Using an array of methodological approaches, and studying…

Dr Bethany Shinkins


Beth leads the University of Leeds hub of CanTest. She leads a team who specialise in test evaluation research in Leeds and is an Associate…

Dr Valerie Sills

Programme Manager (Faculty & Finance)

Valerie has operational responsibility for the strategic delivery of CanTest’s objectives, in partnership with the Exeter Programme Manager. She has overall responsibility for CanTest finances,…

Prof Hardeep Singh

Senior Faculty

Hardeep Singh, M.D., M.P.H. is a general internist and Chief of Health Policy, Quality & Informatics Program, Center for Innovations in Quality, Effectiveness and Safety…

Prof Anne Spencer

Senior Faculty

Associate Professor of Health Economics at the University of Exeter Medical School, Anne has over 20 years’ experience of leading health economic evaluations of clinical…