Prof Anne Spencer

Senior Faculty

Prof Anne Spencer

Associate Professor of Health Economics at the University of Exeter Medical School, Anne has over 20 years’ experience of leading health economic evaluations of clinical trials and research into the measurement and valuation of health. She also has over 11 years’ experience of teaching Health Economics and Microeconomics, and has co-authored a Health Economics book, ‘Economic Analysis in Health Care’ (Wiley, 2012).

Anne currently co-leads the Cancer Research UK funded project to measure the impact of the NICE 2015 suspected cancer guidelines on times to diagnosis, stage at diagnosis, treatment with curative intent and survival. She is also co-investigator on the NIHR Health Technology Assessment Programme funded Aids to Cancer Diagnosis in Primary Care.

Anne is known internationally for her research around decision making and methodology around preference elicitation. She has pioneered the calculation of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) within discrete choice experiments using risk and motivated current research that looks at revaluing the EQ-5D 5L scale.

Anne has expertise in decision analytic models to extrapolate the findings of trial based analyses. She also led the Health Economics work stream of the NeoNet 1 and NeoNet 2 projects funded by NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Programme to evaluate the cost effectiveness of alternative configurations of neonatal services in England.


+44 (0)1392 726441


University of Exeter, UK

Areas of Expertise

Health economics


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