Prof Peter Vedsted
Senior Faculty

Peter is a GP and Professor in primary care and innovative health care delivery. He is director of the Research Centre for Cancer Diagnosis in Primary Care (CaP), a cross‐disciplinary research group for primary cancer diagnosis investigating the pathway from symptom to treatment of cancer.
Follow Peter on Twitter @PVedsted
View Peter’s LinkenIn profile.
+45 8716 7905
University of Aarhus, DK
Areas of Expertise
Clinical practice, primary care, health services, epidemiology
- Direct access to fast transvaginal ultrasound for earlier diagnosis of ovarian cancer
- The management of patients with anaemia, the risk of cancer and cancer-related anaemia subtypes
- Diagnostic accuracy of FIT in patients urgently referred for colorectal cancer
- The development of an abdominal ‘yes-no’ pathway for primary care patients with vague and non-specific abdominal symptoms
- Stanciu MA, Law R-J, Nafees S, Hendry M, Yeo ST, Hiscock J, Lewis R, Edwards RT, Williams NH, Brain K, Brocklehurst P, Carson-Stevens A, Dolwani S, Emery J, Hamilton W, Hoare Z, Lyratzopoulos G, Rubin G, Smits S, Vedsted P, Walter FM, Wilkinson C, Neal RD. Development of an intervention to expedite cancer diagnosis through primary care: Protocol. BJGP Open 4 September 2018; bjgpopen18X101595
- Walter FM, Thompson MJ, Wellwood I, Abel GA, Hamilton W, Johnson M, Lyratzopoulos G, Messenger MP, Neal RD, Rubin G, Singh H, Spencer A, Sutton S, Vedstead P, Emery JD. Evaluating diagnostic strategies for early detection of cancer: the CanTest framework. BMC Cancer, 2019, 19:586
- Baun ML, Jensen H, Falborg AZ, Heje HN, Petersen LK, Vedsted P. Ovarian cancer suspicion, urgent referral and time to diagnosis in Danish general practice: a population-based study. Family Practice, 2019, cmz013
- Holt Jessen N, Jensen H, Falborg AZ, Glerup H, Gronbaek H, Vedsted P. Abdominal investigations in the year preceding a diagnosis of abdominal cancer: a register-based cohort study in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiology, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.canep.2021.101926
- Holt Jessen N, Jensen H, Helsper CW, Falborg AZ, Glerup H, Gronbaek H, Vedsted P. Cancer suspicion, referral to cancer patient pathway and primary care interval: a survey and register study exploring 10 different types of abdominal cancer. Family Practice, 2021, cmab025, doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmab025
- Baun ML, Dueholm M, Heje HN, Hamilton W, Petersen LK, Vedsted P. Direct access from general practice to transvaginal ultrasound for early detection of ovarian cancer: a feasibility study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Care Health, 2021, doi: 10.1080/02813432.2021.1922831
- Boennelykke A, Jensen H, Zalounina Falborg A, Østgård LSG, Hansen AT, Christensen KS & Vedsted P. Diagnostic workup of cancer in patients with new-onset anaemia: a Danish cohort study in general practice. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2021. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2021.1970934
- Boennelykke A, Jensen H, Østgård LSG, Falborg AZ, Christensen KS, Hansen AT, Emery J, Vedsted P. Insufficient classification of anaemia in general practice: a Danish register-based observational study. Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2021. doi:10.1080/02813432.2021.1958499
- Danckert B, Zalounina Falborg A, Christensen NL, Frederiksen H, Lyratzopoulos G, McPhail S, Ryg J, Vedsted P, Thomsen LA, Jensen H. Routes to diagnosis and the association with the prognosis in patients with cancer – A nationwide register-based cohort study in Denmark. Cancer Epidemiology, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.canep.2021.101983
- Boennelykke A, Jensen H, Østgård LSG, Falborg AZ, Hansen AT, Christensen KS, Vedsted P. Cancer risk in persons with new-onset anaemia: a population-based cohort study in Denmark. BMC Cancer 22, 805 (2022). doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09912-7
- Holt Jessen N, Jensen H, Falborg AZ, Glerup H, Gronbaek H & Vedsted P. Contacts to general practice in the 12 months preceding a diagnosis of an abdominal cancer: a national register-based cohort study, Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, 2022. doi: 10.1080/02813432.2022.2057054
- Danckert B, Christensen NL, Falborg AZ, Frederiksen H, Lyratzopoulos G, McPhail S, Pedersen AF, Ryg J, Thomsen LA, Vedsted P, Jensen H. Assessing how routes to diagnosis vary by the age of patients with cancer: a nationwide register-based cohort study in Denmark. BMC Cancer 22, 906 2022. doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09937-y