John Lancaster
PPI Panel Member

John’s wife, Joyce Lancaster, died from pancreatic cancer in 2002, only six months after diagnosis. Since then he has been actively involved in cancer service improvement, at local, regional and national levels as well as PPI involvement in Palliative and Supportive Care locally. He was the PPI member of a team which submitted a proposal in 2009 to NIHR RfPB ‘Identification of early symptoms for cancer of the pancreas as a strategy to reduce patient-related and GP-related delay before specialist referral.’ Current cancer research interest is by membership of the PrecisionPanc Advisory Group, PrecisionPanc Umbrella Trials Steering Group (UTSC) and the NCRI Consumer Forum. National awareness of pancreatic cancer comes via membership of the Parliamentary APPG for Pancreatic Cancer, and also by supporting Pancreatic Cancer UK, Pancreatic Cancer Action, and the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund. He was a contributor to the Discovery Programme Symptom Study in 2015. He is passionate about the need for Early Diagnosis of cancer, and concerned at the slow progress in what is a very difficult topic.
Project evaluation and project management (Previous experience in Industry). PPI involvement in cancer services, including early diagnosis, and cancer research.
- Optimising diagnostic strategies for patients presenting to primary care with upper abdominal symptoms to improve the pathway to the early detection of pancreatic cancer – SuSPECT (PhD)
- Understanding and implementing artificial intelligence technologies to improve skin cancer assessment in primary care settings (PhD)